Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Update, 2013 Vineyard List

Spring is in the air
Ah spring! Color returns to the garden, new leaves on trees bring shade to warmer days. We start to shed the extra layers of clothing (and pounds) that we carried around all winter and daylight lasts long enough for us to sneak in an after work outdoor activity. It’s an optimistic time of the year. We still hold on to the best intentions of those New Year’s resolutions and it is early enough in the baseball season that even the Cubs have “a chance”. In the winery, we have started talking about bud break in vineyards and begun to think about the upcoming harvest while it is still far enough away that we don’t have to break into a panic. This spring marks the start of our third year in business here at Wineworks and the launch of our new vineyard list. This year we’ve added a few new white varieties, as well as new vineyards for Cabernet, Pinot and Zinfandel. As always our focus on sourcing new vineyards is targeted on finding growers whom we enjoy working with and who share
our motivation to make the best wine possible by starting with the best grapes possible. Yet again we have been successful in creating those relationships. If you haven’t already seen the new list click here to download it. Please feel free to share the list with friends and contact dave@dogpatchwineworks.com with any questions.

Thirsty Thursday's going strong
We kicked off our "Thirsty Thursday' events earlier this month with great success thanks to help from a few of our partner wineries, Passaggio and Pug Wines and our friends at The Tasting Lab. The next event is May 9th when Cindy Cosco of Passaggio wines will be releasing her recently bottled 2012 Rose, Pinot Grigio and signature "Unoaked" Chardonnay. The Passaggio release party is open to the public so join us to be the first to taste a line up of wines that are perfectly paired with this fine weather we are enjoying in the bay area.
Upcoming events:
May 9th - Passaggio Spring Release
May 16th - An evening of Still Life Photography by Maren Caruso and Sherry Olsens collection of Ceramics, Drawings and Linens
May 23rd - Wine Relay with Charlotte Chipperfield of The Wine Key Attendees will team up to compete in a series of wine related activities designed to heighten your sensory awareness and extend you wine knowledge. Prizes will go to the winning team. Throughout the two hour event, teams will explore how wine is made, how to taste wine and more! No wine knowledge required.
June 6th - "Decanter-athon" with the Stu Ake of The Tasting Lab. Blinded by science? On Thursday, June 6th, Dogpatch WineWorks dons the lab coat for a fun (and highly scientific) tasting experience to evaluate the impact of aerators, decanters and the Oster beehive blender on wine. Aeration devices claim to enhance the experience and enjoyment of wine. Do they really work? You’ll have an opportunity to judge for yourself in this ‘Mythbusters-styled’ side-by-side-by-side-by-side-by-side tasting featuring 5 techniques across several flights of wine. Space is limited. Contact dave@dogpatchwineworks.com to RSVP. $40 per person

J2 Wines now in the tasting room:
J2 Winery is the latest partner winery to be featured in our tasting room here on 3rd St. J2 Winery is the partnership of Brad Jacobs and Jeff Clark who have turned thier focus towards producing award winning Pinot Noir (Gold medal in the 11th annual Pinot Noir Shoot out) in addition to Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet, all of which are available here at the winery. Stop by to have a taste or pick up a couple of bottles to try at home.

Tasting Room Hours:
Thurs and Fri: 4pm-8pm
Sat: Noon-7pm
Sun: Noon-5pm

It's going to be another great year to make wine in the city. There are a ton of fun things going on here in the Dogpatch and we hope you will join us.

The WineWorks team

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